
My AWAKENiNGS series is about coming out of a dark time and embracing and creating and looking forward to a new future.

I hadn’t worked with black out of the tube for, oh, many years, and then one day I felt the urge to do so. Black, in one colour system, is viewed as the absence of colour; in another, it is all the colours together. Interesting!

This work began as I processed my recovery from breast cancer. Cancer has the tendency to make you rethink your life… My recovery from cancer was closely followed by another medical complication in which I narrowly escaped death—clearly it was not my time just yet.

I was exploring what issues created the dis-ease, as I have always believed that our physical problems are directly linked to our emotional ones. And looking at what I have learned from my experiences and how that applied to both my life and those of others.

As my painting always reflects my life, this series ended when a brighter future emerged as the result of my process.


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