textures of CHANGE
“The soul desires expression… in order to feel real, we need to bring that inner invisible world to expression… You need to train the inner eye for the invisible realms where thoughts can grow and where feelings put down their roots.”
~ John O’Donohue in Anam Cara
From endings come new beginnings.
This series is an exploration, even a celebration of endings, or the alchemy of processing change and loss.
As always, my artwork is about what is going on in my life. There has been an inordinate amount of loss in my life in the past few years. Loss of all kinds, from death of loved ones, ending of relationships, health challenges, leaving my home, country and work. These losses, or endings have brought much change, and opened the opportunity for new beginnings. But the pain of the loss, and the uncertainty of change, even in the cases where it was my choice, does need to be processed.
And my method of processing my life is in my painting.
Through these works, I have aimed to transform pain and uncertainty into something beautiful and meaningful. By capturing the essence of what I’ve lost or left behind, through shapes, textures and colour, I preserve the love and the positive aspects of those things in a form I can hold onto.