If you could find a way to have FUN while figuring out what gives you PURPOSE and PASSiON in your life, would you do it? Of course you would!
How to use your CREATiVE iNTELLiGENCE to live the life you want
is the idea at the heart of the CREATiVE JOURNEY ®
and why does it matter?
CREATiVE iNTELLiGENCE refers to that aspect of our intelligence that we use to understand, interpret and act with imagination.
People often mix up being CREATiVE with being an ARTiST.
But the two are very different. Being good at drawing, painting, sculpture and the like is about being ARTiSTiC.
CREATiViTY, or CREATiVE iNTELLiGENCE, is something else. It comes in many forms and doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with ART.
The higher your CQ (creative intelligence), the more easily you are able to be flexible and come up with new ideas.
The idea that CREATiViTY is something we can learn is relatively new, but research has proven that it can be done. Sternberg’s triarchic theory of intelligence has shown that we have three types of intelligence: analytical, practical, and CREATiVE. While creativity does come more naturally to some people, you CAN, much like any other skill, develop your CREATiVE iNTELLiGENCE and make thinking creatively a HABiT, or way of being.
The CREATiVE JOURNEY® uses a unique 10-step process designed to help you access your innate creativity in a playful, yet focused way. You are guided through interactive creative exercises, in a safe yet challenging environment, discovering a new awareness of and confidence in your own creative self.
I work with individuals and groups to develop ways to put these discoveries into practice, so that CREATiVE iNTELLiGENCE is built as an ongoing practice and becomes a more habitual way of thinking and being in both your personal life and at work.
in ways that nurture you to develop a mindset of CREATiVE iNTELLiGENCE?